7-Day Meal Plan for Gastritis + Best & Worst Foods to Eat (with printable PDF)

If you suffer from gastritis, you know that what you eat makes a big difference in how you feel.

While food itself does not cause chronic gastritis, certain foods can make symptoms worse. Unfortunately, dietary restrictions that are a result of this condition can take the joy out of eating and make holidays and events a challenge.

If you’ve been struggling with deciding what to eat to manage gastritis symptoms, you’re in the right place.

Choosing a diet high in fiber and low in fat and acidic foods can help, and we’ll show you what that looks like.

This guide goes over a sample 7-day gastritis meal plan, the best foods to eat with gastritis, which to avoid, and everything else you need to know. If you’d like to view a PDF of our sample gastritis meal plan, click here.

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Improve your gut health with support from a Registered Dietitian

90% of Zaya Care patients pay $0 for dietitian visits

Foods to avoid with gastritis

Cutting foods you love out of your diet stinks. Unfortunately, with gastritis, you learn quickly that the benefits far outweigh having to say goodbye to certain foods. Not only can some foods trigger gastritis symptoms, but they can also make these symptoms worse.

Below are foods to avoid if you suffer from uncomfortable symptoms of chronic gastritis:

Best foods to eat with gastritis

Now that you know more about what foods you should avoid for chronic gastritis, let’s look at the foods that you want to eat more of.

These are foods that won’t cause or worsen gastritis symptoms and may improve gut health:

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Improve your gut health with support from a Registered Dietitian

90% of Zaya Care patients pay $0 for dietitian visits

7-day meal plan for gastritis

Here is a sample 7-day gastritis meal plan that includes many of the best foods listed above while avoiding those that can worsen gastritis symptoms.

Remember, talking to your doctor and/or dietitian before changing your diet is important to learn what is best for you. Your ideal diet may have more or fewer calories and incorporate different foods based on your food intolerances, preferences, and the presence of other medical conditions.

We recommend working with a Registered Dietitian to find the ideal gastritis meal plan for your situation.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Tips for making your gastritis meal plan work for you

Knowing what you should and shouldn’t eat when suffering from gastritis can be helpful, but the real challenge comes with putting it all together.

Below are some tips for making your gastritis meal plan work for you:

Why we recommend working with a Registered Dietitian if you have gastritis

Gastritis is uncomfortable and can be life-altering. There are many restrictions when it comes to foods and beverages, and it can be overwhelming to try and manage on your own. While the internet is rife with information, not all of it is accurate and what is can be hard to find.

Instead of struggling to manage your gastritis by yourself, consider working with a Registered Dietitian (RD). RDs are nutrition professionals who can help provide support and guidance to those with conditions like gastritis. Some RDs even specialize in gastrointestinal disorders and gut health.

An RD will ask you questions to learn about your current diet habits, preferences, and symptoms. They can help you identify trigger foods and can build you a personal plan that avoids triggers, meets your nutrition needs, and that you can follow long-term.

Just because you have this condition doesn’t mean you have to eat bland foods that you don’t enjoy. With the help of an RD, you will have a personalized approach to managing your gastritis through diet so you can continue to enjoy food.

You can use Zayacare’s free Dietitian Search Tool to take the first step toward better health and a more comfortable gut with an RD on your side.

When you request an appointment with one of our Registered Dietitians here at Zaya Care, we’ll check your insurance so you know exactly how much you’ll have to pay, if anything at all.

It’s worth noting that 90% of Zaya Care patients pay $0 for nutrition care with a registered dietitian as we are in-network with many major carriers.

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Improve your gut health with support from a Registered Dietitian

90% of Zaya Care patients pay $0 for dietitian visits