Hebrew Names

Abraham אַבְרָהָם m English, Hebrew, Spanish, French, Dutch, Biblical, Biblical German, Biblical Swedish, Biblical Norwegian, Biblical Danish, Biblical Latin
This name may be viewed either as meaning "father of many" in Hebrew or else as a contraction of Abram 1 and הָמוֹן (hamon) meaning "many, multitude". The biblical patriarch Abraham was originally named Abram but God changed his name (see Genesis 17:5). With his father Terah, he led his wife Sarah, his nephew Lot and their other followers from Ur into Canaan. He is regarded by Jews as being the founder of the Hebrews through his son Isaac and by Muslims as being the founder of the Arabs through his son Ishmael. . [more]

Achinoam אֲחִינֹעַם f Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew
Hebrew form of Ahinoam.

Adam אָדָם m English, French, German, Polish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Czech, Slovak, Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Romanian, Catalan, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Georgian, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew
This is the Hebrew word for "man" . It could be ultimately derived from Hebrew אדם ('adam) meaning "to be red" , referring to the ruddy colour of human skin, or from Akkadian adamu meaning "to make" . . [more]

Adara אַדָרָה f Hebrew
Means "noble" in Hebrew. Adi 1 עֲדִי f & m Hebrew
Means "jewel, ornament" in Hebrew.

Adina 1 עֲדִינָה m & f Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek, Hebrew
From Hebrew עֲדִינָא ('adina') meaning "delicate" . This name is borne by a soldier in the Old Testament. It is also used in modern Hebrew as a feminine name, typically spelled עֲדִינָה.

Adir אַדִּיר m Hebrew
Means "strong, mighty" in Hebrew. This word is used in the Hebrew Bible to describe God.

Adva אַדְוָה f Hebrew
Means "small wave, ripple" in Hebrew. Agam אֲגַם f & m Hebrew
Means "lake" in Hebrew. Aharon אַהֲרֹן m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Aaron. Ahava אַהֲבָה f Hebrew
Means "love" in Hebrew. Ahuva אֲהוּבָה f Hebrew
Means "beloved" in Hebrew. Akiba עֲקִיבָא m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew עֲקִיבָא (see Akiva).

Akiva עֲקִיבָא m Hebrew
From an Aramaic form of Yaakov. Akiva (or Akiba) ben Joseph was a prominent 1st-century Jewish rabbi.

Aliya 2 עֲלִיָּה f Hebrew
Means "ascent" in Hebrew, a derivative of עָלָה ('alah) meaning "to ascend, to climb". This is also a Hebrew word referring to immigration to Israel.

Aliyah 2 עֲלִיָּה f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew עֲלִיָּה (see Aliya 2 ). Aliza עַלִיזָה f Hebrew
Means "joyful" in Hebrew. Alma 2 עַלְמָה f Hebrew
Means "young woman" in Hebrew. Almog אַלְמוֹג m & f Hebrew
Means "coral" in Hebrew. Alon 1 אַלוֹן m Hebrew
Means "oak tree" in Hebrew. Alona אַלוֹנָה f Hebrew
Feminine form of Alon 1 . Ami 4 עַמִי m Hebrew
Means "my people" or "my nation" in Hebrew. Amichai עַמִיחַי m Hebrew
Means "my people are alive" in Hebrew. Amir 2 אָמִיר m Hebrew
Means "treetop" in Hebrew. Amira 2 אַמִירָה f Hebrew
Feminine form of Amir 2 . Amit 2 עָמִית m & f Hebrew
Means "friend" in Hebrew. Amitai אֲמִתַּי m Hebrew
Modern Hebrew transcription of Amittai.

Amnon אַמְנוֹן m Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew
Means "faithful" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of the eldest son of King David. He was killed by his half-brother Absalom in revenge for the rape of his sister Tamar.

Amos עָמוֹס m English, Hebrew, Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew
From Hebrew עָמַס ('amas) meaning "load, burden" . Amos is one of the twelve minor prophets of the Old Testament, the author of the Book of Amos, which speaks against greed, corruption and oppression of the poor. Written about the 8th century BC, it is among the oldest of the prophetic books. As an English name, Amos has been used since the Protestant Reformation, and was popular among the Puritans.

Amram עַמְרָם m Biblical, Biblical Latin, Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew
Means "exalted nation" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament, Amram is the father of Moses.

Anan 2 עָנָן m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew
Means "cloud" in Hebrew. This name is mentioned very briefly in the Old Testament.

Anat 2 עַנָת f & m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Anath 1 . In modern times it is often used as a feminine name.

Ari 1 אֲרִי m Hebrew
Means "lion" in Hebrew. Arie 2 אַרְיֵה m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew אַרְיֵה (see Arieh).

Arieh אַרְיֵה m Biblical, Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Means "lion" in Hebrew, an animal particularly associated with the tribe of Judah (see Genesis 49:9). This is the name of an officer of King Pekahiah in the Old Testament.

Ariel אֲרִיאֵל m & f Hebrew, English, French, Spanish, Polish, Biblical, Biblical Greek
Means "lion of God" in Hebrew, from אֲרִי ('ari) meaning "lion" and אֵל ('el) meaning "God". In the Old Testament it is used as another name for the city of Jerusalem. Shakespeare utilized it for a spirit in his play The Tempest (1611) and Alexander Pope utilized it for a sylph in his poem The Rape of the Lock (1712), and one of the moons of Uranus bears this name in his honour. As an English name, it became more common for females in the 1980s, especially after it was used for the title character in the Disney film The Little Mermaid (1989).

Arik אָרִיק m Hebrew
Diminutive of Ariel or Arieh. Aryeh אַרְיֵה m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew אַרְיֵה (see Arieh).

Asa אָסָא m Biblical, Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Possibly means "healer" in Hebrew. This name was borne by the third king of Judah, as told in the Old Testament.

Asaf 1 אָסָף m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Asaph.

Asher אָשֵׁר m Hebrew, English, Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Means "happy, blessed" in Hebrew. Asher in the Old Testament is a son of Jacob by Leah's handmaid Zilpah, and the ancestor of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The meaning of his name is explained in Genesis 30:13.

Atalia עֲתַלְיָה f Hebrew
Modern Hebrew transcription of Athaliah. Atara עֲטָרָה f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew עֲטָרָה (see Atarah).

Atarah עֲטָרָה f Biblical, Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Means "crown" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament Atarah is a minor character, the wife of Jerahmeel.

Avi אֲבִי m Hebrew
Means "my father" in Hebrew. It is also a diminutive of Avraham or Aviram. Avia אֲבִיָה m & f Hebrew
Modern Hebrew form of Abijah. Avidan אֲבִידָן m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abidan. Aviel אֲבִיאֵל m Hebrew
Modern Hebrew form of Abiel. Avigail אֲבִיגַיִל f Hebrew
Modern Hebrew form of Abigail. Avihu אֲבִיהוּא m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abihu. Aviram אֲבִירָם m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abiram. Avishag אֲבִישַׁג f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abishag. Avishai אֲבִישַׁי m Hebrew
Modern Hebrew form of Abishai.

Avital אֲבִיטָל f & m Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abital, sometimes used as a masculine name in modern times.

Aviv אֲבִיב m & f Hebrew
Means "spring" in Hebrew. Aviva אֲבִיבָה f Hebrew
Feminine variant of Aviv. Aviya אֲבִיָה f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew אֲבִיָה (see Avia). Avner אַבְנֵר m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abner. Avraham אַבְרָהָם m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abraham. Avram אַבְרָם m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abram 1 . Ayal אַיָּל m Hebrew
Means "stag, male deer" in Hebrew. Ayala אַיָּלָה f Hebrew
Means "doe, female deer" in Hebrew.

Ayelet אַיֶלֶת f Hebrew
Means "doe, female deer, gazelle" . It is taken from the Hebrew phrase אַיֶלֶת הַשַׁחַר ('ayelet hashachar), literally "gazelle of dawn", which is a name of the morning star.

Ayla 1 אֵלָה f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew אֵלָה (see Ela 3 ).

Azaria עֲזַרְיָה m & f Hebrew, English (Modern)
Hebrew form of Azariah (masculine), as well as a feminine variant in the English-speaking world.

Barak 1 בָּרָק m Hebrew, Biblical, Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew
Means "lightning" in Hebrew. According to the Old Testament, Barak was a military commander under the guidance of the prophetess Deborah. They defeated the Canaanite army led by Sisera.

Baruch בָּרוּך m Biblical, Biblical Latin, Hebrew
Means "blessed" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of a companion of the prophet Jeremiah, acting as his scribe and assistant. The deuterocanonical Book of Baruch was supposedly written by him. A famous bearer was Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), a Dutch-Jewish rationalist philosopher.

Barukh בָּרוּך m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Baruch. Batel בַּת־אֵל f Hebrew
Means "daughter of God" in Hebrew. Batsheva בַּת־שֶׁבַע f Hebrew
Hebrew variant of Bathsheba. Batya בַּתְיָה f Hebrew
Hebrew variant of Bithiah. Batyah בַּתְיָה f Hebrew
Hebrew variant of Bithiah. Beracha בְּרָכָה f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew בְּרָכָה (see Bracha). Binyamin בִּנְיָמִין m Hebrew, Arabic, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew and Arabic form of Benjamin.

Boaz בֹּעַז m Biblical, Hebrew, Dutch, Biblical Hebrew
Means "swiftness" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of the man who marries Ruth. This was also the name of one of the two pillars that stood outside Solomon's Temple (with Jachin).

Bosmat בָּשְׂמַת f Hebrew
Hebrew variant of Basemath. Bracha בְּרָכָה f Hebrew
Means "blessing" in Hebrew.

Chaim חַיִּים m Hebrew
Derived from the Hebrew word חַיִּים (chayyim) meaning "life" . It has been used since medieval times.

Chana חַנָּה f Hebrew
Modern Hebrew form of Hannah. Chanah חַנָּה f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew חַנָּה (see Chana). Chava חַוָּה f Hebrew
Hebrew form of Eve.

Chaya חַיָה f Hebrew
Derived from Hebrew חָיָה (chayah) meaning "living" , considered a feminine form of Chaim.

Chayim חַיִּים m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew חַיִּים (see Chaim). Chayyim חַיִּים m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew חַיִּים (see Chaim). Chen 2 חֵן m & f Hebrew
Means "grace, charm" in Hebrew. Chesed חֶסֶד f & m Hebrew
Means "kindness, goodness" in Hebrew. Dafna דַּפְנָה f Hebrew
Means "laurel" in Hebrew, of Greek origin. Dalia 3 דַּלְיָה f Hebrew
Means "hanging branch" in Hebrew. Dalit דָּלִית f Hebrew
From Hebrew דָּלִיָּה (daliyyah) meaning "hanging branch" . Dalya דַּלְיָה f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew דַּלְיָה (see Dalia 3 ).

Dan 1 דָּן m Biblical, Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew
Means "he judged" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament Dan is one of the twelve sons of Jacob by Rachel's servant Bilhah, and the founder of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. His name is explained in Genesis 30:6.

Dana 1 דָּנָה f Romanian, Czech, Slovak, German, Hebrew
Feminine form of Daniel or Dan 1 .

Daniel דָּנִיֵּאל m English, Hebrew, French, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Romanian, Slovene, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Croatian, Finnish, Estonian, Armenian, Georgian, Biblical, Biblical Greek
From the Hebrew name דָּנִיֵּאל (Daniyyel) meaning "God is my judge" , from the roots דִּין (din) meaning "to judge" and אֵל ('el) meaning "God". Daniel was a Hebrew prophet whose story is told in the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament. He lived during the Jewish captivity in Babylon, where he served in the court of the king, rising to prominence by interpreting the king's dreams. The book also presents Daniel's four visions of the end of the world. . [more]

Danya 1 דַּנְיָה f Hebrew
Feminine form of Dan 1 . It can also be considered a compound meaning "judgement from God" , using the element יָה (yah) referring to the Hebrew God.

Dar דַּר f & m Hebrew
Means "mother-of-pearl, nacre" in Hebrew.

David דָּוִד m English, Hebrew, French, Scottish, Welsh, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Czech, Slovene, Russian, Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian, Romanian, Biblical, Biblical Latin
From the Hebrew name דָּוִד (Dawid), which was derived from Hebrew דּוֹד (dod) meaning "beloved" or "uncle" . David was the second and greatest of the kings of Israel, ruling in the 10th century BC. Several stories about him are told in the Old Testament, including his defeat of Goliath, a giant Philistine. According to the New Testament, Jesus was descended from him. . [more]

Dekel דֶּקֶל m Hebrew
Means "palm tree" in Hebrew. Deror דְּרוֹר m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew דְּרוֹר (see Dror). Derorit דְּרוֹרִית f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew דְּרוֹרִית (see Drorit). Devora דְּבוֹרָה f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew דְּבוֹרָה (see Devorah). Devorah דְּבוֹרָה f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Deborah. Dikla דִּקְלָה m & f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew דִּקְלָה (see Diklah).

Diklah דִּקְלָה m & f Hebrew, Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Possibly means "palm grove" in Hebrew or Aramaic. In the Old Testament this is the name of a son of Joktan. In modern times it is also used as a feminine name.

Dor דּוֹר m & f Hebrew
Means "generation" in Hebrew. Dori דּוֹרִי m Hebrew
Means "my generation" in Hebrew. Dorit 1 דּוֹרִית f Hebrew
Strictly feminine variant of Dor. Doron דּוֹרוֹן m Hebrew
Derived from Greek δῶρον (doron) meaning "gift" . Dov דּוֹב m Hebrew
Means "bear" in Hebrew. Dror דְּרוֹר m Hebrew
Means "freedom" or "sparrow" in Hebrew. Drorit דְּרוֹרִית f Hebrew
Feminine form of Dror. Dvora דְּבוֹרָה f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew דְּבוֹרָה (see Devorah). Dvorah דְּבוֹרָה f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew דְּבוֹרָה (see Devorah). Edan עִידָן m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew עִידָן (see Idan).

Eden עֵדֶן f & m Hebrew, English (Modern), French (Modern)
From the biblical place name, itself possibly from Hebrew עֵדֶן ('eden) meaning "pleasure, delight", or perhaps derived from Sumerian 𒂔 (edin) meaning "plain". According to the Old Testament the Garden of Eden was the place where the first people, Adam and Eve, lived before they were expelled.

Edna עֶדְנָה f English, Hebrew, Biblical
Means "pleasure" in Hebrew. This name appears in the Old Testament Apocrypha, for instance in the Book of Tobit belonging to the wife of Raguel. It was borne by the American poet Edna Dean Proctor (1829-1923). It did not become popular until the second half of the 19th century, after it was used for the heroine in the successful 1866 novel St. Elmo by Augusta Jane Evans. It peaked around the turn of the century and has declined steadily since then, falling off the American top 1000 list in 1992.

Efraim אֶפְרָיִם m Hebrew, Biblical
Variant of Ephraim. Efrat אֶפְרָת f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Ephrath.

Ehud אֵהוּד m Biblical, Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Meaning unknown, possibly related to Hebrew אֶחָד ('echad) meaning "one" . In the Old Testament this is the name of one of the biblical judges. He killed Eglon, the king of Moab, and freed the city of Jericho from Moabite rule.

Eiran עֵירָן m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Eran. Eitan אֵיתָן m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Ethan. Eithan אֵיתָן m English (Modern), Hebrew (Rare)
Variant of Ethan or (rarely) Eitan. Ela 3 אֵלָה f Hebrew
Modern Hebrew form of Elah, usually used as a feminine name. Elazar אֶלְעָזָר m Hebrew
Modern Hebrew transcription of Eleazar. Elchanan אֶלְחָנָן m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Elhanan.

Eli 1 עֵלִי m English, Hebrew, Biblical, Biblical Greek, Biblical Hebrew
Means "ascension" in Hebrew. In the Books of Samuel in the Old Testament he is a high priest of the Israelites. He took the young Samuel into his service and gave him guidance when God spoke to him. Because of the misdeeds of his sons, Eli and his descendants were cursed to die before reaching old age. . [more]

Eli 2 אֵלִי m Hebrew
Means "my God" in Hebrew. Eliana 2 אֶלִיעַנָה f Hebrew
Means "my God has answered" in Hebrew. Eliav אֱלִיאָב m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Eliab.

Eliezer אֱלִיעֶזֶר m Biblical, Hebrew, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
From Hebrew אֱלִיעֶזֶר ('Eli'ezer) meaning "my God is help" . This is the name of several characters in the Old Testament, including a servant of Abraham and one of the sons of Moses (see Exodus 18:4 for an explanation of the significance of the name).

Elijah אֱלִיָּהוּ m English, Hebrew, Biblical
From the Hebrew name אֱלִיָּהוּ ('Eliyyahu) meaning "my God is Yahweh" , derived from the elements אֵל ('el) and יָה (yah), both referring to the Hebrew God. Elijah was a Hebrew prophet and miracle worker, as told in the two Books of Kings in the Old Testament. He was active in the 9th century BC during the reign of King Ahab of Israel and his Phoenician-born queen Jezebel. Elijah confronted the king and queen over their idolatry of the Canaanite god Ba'al and other wicked deeds. At the end of his life he was carried to heaven in a chariot of fire, and was succeeded by Elisha. In the New Testament, Elijah and Moses appear next to Jesus when he is transfigured. . [more]

Elior אֱלִיאוֹר m Hebrew
Means "my God is my light" in Hebrew. Eliora אֱלִיאוֹרָה f Hebrew
Feminine form of Elior. Elisheva אֱלִישֶׁבַע f Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Elizabeth. Eliya אֵלִיָה m Hebrew
Modern Hebrew variant form of Elijah. Eliyahu אֵלִיָּהוּ m Hebrew
Modern Hebrew form of Elijah. Elkan עֶלְקָן m Hebrew
Variant of Elkanah. Elke 2 f Hebrew
Feminine form of Elkanah.

Elon אֵילוֹן m Biblical, Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Means "oak tree" in Hebrew. According to the Old Testament this was the name of one of the ruling judges of the Israelites. A notable modern bearer is the entrepreneur Elon Musk (1971-), who was born in South Africa and also holds Canadian and American citizenship (he is not Jewish).

Ephraim אֶפְרָיִם m Biblical, Hebrew, Biblical Latin, Biblical Greek
From the Hebrew name אֶפְרָיִם ('Efrayim) meaning "fruitful" . In the Old Testament Ephraim is a son of Joseph and Asenath and the founder of one of the twelve tribes of Israel. This name was also borne by two early saints: Ephraim or Ephrem the Syrian, a 4th-century theologian, and Ephraim of Antioch, a 6th-century patriarch of Antioch.

Erez אֶרֶז m Hebrew
Means "cedar" in Hebrew. Esti 2 אסְתי f Hebrew
Diminutive of Esther. Eviatar אֶבְיָתָר m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew אֶבְיָתָר (see Evyatar).

Evron עֶבְרוֹן m Hebrew (Rare)
From a biblical place name, also called עַבְדּוֹן ('Avdon) meaning "servile", for which it may be a clerical error.

Evyatar אֶבְיָתָר m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abiathar. Eyal אֱיָל m Hebrew
Means "might, strength" in Hebrew. Eytan אֵיתָן m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew אֵיתָן (see Eitan).

Ezra עֶזְרָא m Biblical, English, Hebrew
Means "help" in Hebrew. Ezra is a prophet of the Old Testament and the author of the Book of Ezra. It has been used as a given name in the English-speaking world since the Protestant Reformation. The American poet Ezra Pound (1885-1972) was a famous bearer.

Gai גַּיְא m Hebrew
Means "valley, ravine" in Hebrew. Gal 1 גַּל f & m Hebrew
Means "wave" in Hebrew. Gali גַּלִי f Hebrew
Means "my wave" in Hebrew.

Galia גַּלְיָה f Hebrew
Elaboration of Gal 1 . It could also be considered a compound meaning "wave from God" , using the element יָה (yah) referring to the Hebrew God.

Galit גַּלִית f Hebrew
Variant of Gal 1 . Gavriel גַּבְרִיאֵל m Hebrew
Hebrew form of Gabriel. Gefen גֶּפֶן f & m Hebrew
Means "grape vine" in Hebrew. Geula גְּאֻלָה f Hebrew
Means "redemption" in Hebrew.

Gideon גִּדְעוֹן m Biblical, Hebrew, English, Dutch
Means "feller, hewer" in Hebrew. Gideon is a hero and judge of the Old Testament. He led the vastly outnumbered Israelites against the Midianites, defeated them, and killed their two kings. In the English-speaking world, Gideon has been used as a given name since the Protestant Reformation, and it was popular among the Puritans.

Gidon גִּדְעוֹן m Hebrew
Modern Hebrew form of Gideon. Gil 3 גִּיל m Hebrew
Means "joy, happiness" in Hebrew. Gilad גִּלְעָד m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Gilead. Gilah גִּילָה f Hebrew
Feminine form of Gil 3 . Gili גִּילִי f & m Hebrew
Means "my joy" in Hebrew.

Guy 2 גַּיְא m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew גַּיְא (see Gai). This is the more common transcription.

Hadar הָדָר f & m Hebrew
Means "splendour, glory" in Hebrew. Hadas הֲדַס f Hebrew
Means "myrtle tree" in Hebrew. Hadasa הֲדַסָּה f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew הֲדַסָּה (see Hadassah).

Hadassah הֲדַסָּה f Biblical, Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
From Hebrew הֲדַס (hadas) meaning "myrtle tree" . In the Old Testament this is the Hebrew name of Queen Esther.

Hagit חַגִּית f Hebrew
Modern Hebrew form of Haggith.

Haim חַיִּים m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew חַיִּים (see Chaim). This seems to be the most common transcription for Israeli Jews.

Hallel הָלֵּל f & m Hebrew
Derived from Hebrew הָלַל (halal) meaning "praise" . This is the name of a Jewish prayer, consisting of several psalms. The more traditional name Hillel, which is typically only masculine, is spelled the same but is vocalized with a different vowel.

Hannah חַנָּה f English, Hebrew, German, Dutch, Arabic, Biblical
From the Hebrew name חַנָּה (Channah) meaning "favour, grace" , derived from the root חָנַן (chanan). In the Old Testament this is the name of the wife of Elkanah. Her rival was Elkanah's other wife Peninnah, who had children while Hannah remained barren. After a blessing from Eli she finally became pregnant with Samuel. . [more]

Harel הַרְאֵל m Hebrew
Means "altar, mountain of God" in Hebrew. In the Hebrew Bible this word is applied to the altar in the temple in Jerusalem (Ezekiel 43:15).

Hava חַוָּה f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew חַוָּה (see Chava). Hayim חַיִּים m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew חַיִּים (see Chaim). Hayyim חַיִּים m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew חַיִּים (see Chaim). Hebel הֶבֶל m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew הֶבֶל (see Hevel). Hed הֵד m & f Hebrew
Means "echo" in Hebrew. Herut חֵרוּת f Hebrew
Means "freedom" in Hebrew. Hevel הֶבֶל m Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Hebrew form of Abel.

Hila הִילָה f Hebrew
Means "halo, aura" in Hebrew, from the root הָלַל (halal) meaning "to praise, to shine".

Hillel הִלֵּל m Biblical, Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Derived from Hebrew הָלַל (halal) meaning "praise" . This name is mentioned briefly in the Old Testament as the father of the judge Abdon. It was also borne by the 1st-century BC Jewish scholar Hillel the Elder.

Hodia הוֹדִיָה f Hebrew
Modern Hebrew form of Hodiah. Hyam חַיִּים m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew חַיִּים (see Chaim). Idan עִידָן m Hebrew
Means "era" in Hebrew. Ido עִידּוֹ m Hebrew
Modern Hebrew form of Iddo.

Ilai עִילַי m Biblical, Hebrew, Biblical Hebrew
Possibly from the Hebrew root עָלָה ('alah) meaning "to ascend" . In the Old Testament this is the name of one of King David's mighty men.

Ilan אִילָן m Hebrew
Means "tree" in Hebrew. Ilana אִילָנָה f Hebrew
Feminine form of Ilan. Ilanit אִילָנִית f Hebrew
Feminine form of Ilan.

Immanuel עִמָּנוּאֵל m Hebrew, German (Rare), Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
Form of Emmanuel used in most translations of the Old Testament. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) was a German philosopher of the Enlightenment who is sometimes called the father of modern philosophy.

Inbal עִנְבָּל f Hebrew
Means "tongue of a bell" in Hebrew. Inbar עִנְבָּר, עִינְבָּר f Hebrew
Means "amber" in Hebrew.

Ira 1 עִירָא m Biblical, English, Hebrew
Means "watchful" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this is the name of King David's priest. As an English Christian given name, Ira began to be used after the Protestant Reformation. In the 17th century the Puritans brought it to America, where remained moderately common into the 20th century.

Irit עִירִית f Hebrew
Means "asphodel (flower)" in Hebrew. Itai 1 אִתַּי, אִיתַי m Hebrew
Modern Hebrew form of Ittai. Itzhak יִצְחָק m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew יִצְחָק (see Yitzhak). Iyov אִיּוֹב m Hebrew
Modern Hebrew form of Job. Jaffe יָפֶה m & f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew יָפֶה (see Yafe). Jaron 1 יָרוֹן m Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew יָרוֹן (see Yaron). Kelila כְּלִילָה f Hebrew
From Hebrew כְּלִיל (kelil) meaning "crown, wreath" . Keren קֶרֶן f Hebrew
Means "horn" or "ray of light" in Hebrew. Keshet קֶשֶׁת m & f Hebrew
Means "rainbow" in Hebrew. Kfir כְּפִיר m Hebrew
Means "lion cub" in Hebrew. Kineret כִּנֶּרֶת f Hebrew
Alternate transcription of Hebrew כִּנֶּרֶת (see Kinneret).

Kinneret כִּנֶּרֶת f Hebrew
From the name of a large lake in northern Israel, usually called the Sea of Galilee in English. Its name is derived from Hebrew כִּנּוֹר (kinnor) meaning "harp" because of its shape.

Lavi לָבִיא m Hebrew
Means "lion" in Hebrew.

Leah לֵאָה f English, Hebrew, Biblical, Biblical Hebrew
From the Hebrew name לֵאָה (Le'ah), which was probably derived from the Hebrew word לְאָה (le'ah) meaning "weary" . Alternatively it might be related to Akkadian littu meaning "cow" . In the Old Testament Leah is the first wife of Jacob and the mother of seven of his children. Jacob's other wife was Leah's younger sister Rachel, whom he preferred. Leah later offered Jacob her handmaid Zilpah in order for him to conceive more children. . [more]

Lev 2 לֵב m Hebrew
Means "heart" in Hebrew. Levana 1 לְבָנָה f Hebrew
Modern Hebrew transcription of Lebanah, used as a feminine name.

Levi לֵוִי m Hebrew, English, Dutch, German, Biblical, Biblical Latin
Possibly means "joined, attached" in Hebrew. As told in the Old Testament, Levi was the third son of Jacob and Leah, and the ancestor of one of the twelve tribes of the Israelites, known as the Levites. This was the tribe that formed the priestly class of the Israelites. The brothers Moses and Aaron were members. This name also occurs in the New Testament, where it is another name for the apostle Matthew. . [more]