How to apply for SAT and ACT accommodations

Would having extra time or using a computer help your teen on the SAT or ACT test? Both of these college entrance exams offer accommodations for eligible students with learning and thinking differences. But the process for applying to each is different.

Below is an overview of the types of accommodations available and the application process.

But first, here are some important things to consider:

Types of SAT and ACT accommodations

You can see a full list of SAT accommodations on the College Board site. If your child plans to take a fully digital test, information about accommodations can be found here.

Current SAT accommodations include:

ACT accommodations include:

If your child has an IEP or a 504 plan, review it to see what accommodations your child has for tests. Think about whether your child will need additional ones on the SAT or ACT. Keep in mind that neither the SAT nor the ACT offers modifications, like fewer or easier test questions.

In general, the types of accommodations available on the SAT and ACT aren’t that different. But the way you apply for them is. Read on for more details on how this works.

How to apply for SAT accommodations

A not-for-profit organization, the College Board, administers the SAT. It refers to accommodations on the SAT as Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD).

The College Board’s SSD website offers specific instructions for applying. But here’s a general overview of suggested steps in the process.

  1. Look at the calendar of SAT test dates on the College Board’s website, and choose a target test date. Your child should apply for SAT accommodations before registering to take that SAT test.
  2. If you’d like to apply with your high school’s help, contact your child’s special education case manager (or guidance counselor or 504 coordinator, if your child has a 504 plan) or the school’s SSD coordinator. Tell this person when your child would like to take the test.
  3. Sign the Parent Consent Form and give it to the staff member you’re working with. Check that the school has documentation of your child’s learning and thinking differences on file. Provide the school with anything you believe is missing. Make sure the documentation explains how your child’s differences affect test-taking.
  4. Ask the staff member you’re working with to fill out an online application for SAT accommodations for your child on the SSD website. This person will submit your child’s disability documentation along with the application.
  5. If you want to submit a request on your own, without the school, you must print and fill out the Student Eligibility Form from the College Board. You’ll still have to gather documentation and fill out the application.
  6. When you get the approval letter, look for something called an SSD number. Use this number when applying online to take the SAT. This will ensure that your child gets the approved accommodations. (Some testing sites may have a limited number of seats available to kids with accommodations on any given day. The earlier you sign up, the better the chances of getting the desired time and location.)

How to apply for ACT accommodations

The nonprofit organization ACT administers the ACT test. You can go to the ACT website for specific and up-to-date instructions on applying.

ACT’s application process has been streamlined, simplifying the process for requesting accommodations.

  1. Register online for the ACT test. On the online form, you can indicate a request for accommodations. You will specify which type of accommodations you’re requesting.
  2. After you submit your online registration, you’ll get an email telling you how to work with your school to submit the documentation. To begin the process, forward that email to your school along with the Consent to Release Information to ACT form.
  3. Your school will submit your request and the documentation. ACT will review the request and then will notify your school. You should hear back from the school within two weeks.

Taking college entrance tests is a key step in the process of applying to college. And like everything else in the process, it can be stressful for you and your child.

Key takeaways