This Website is Retiring
We are working to improve this documentation and move it to a new website. As such, the content on this page was last updated in January 2020 and may be out of date. For the latest information and documentation, please visit the myFSU Service Center.
1. To access your transcript from your portal page, go to and log on using your FSUID and password. (This is the same as your Canvas log on.) Your myFSU portal Student Home page appears.
2. Click the Past tab.
3. Click the Course Quicklinks portlet and select View Unofficial Transcript. You are taken to the View Unofficial Transcript page.
4. In the Report Type drop-down box, select Unofficial Transcript.
5. Click the view report button.
IMPORTANT! Generating the report might take a few minutes to complete. DO NOT press any additional buttons or click any links while the report is generating!
6. A PDF of the report opens in a separate tab.
REMEMBER! You need to have the browser's pop-up blocker turned off. For instructions on how to do this, reference the Allowing Pop Ups section of the Browser Settings-Tips and Tricks How-To topic.